About Ladys Webforum

Information about Ladys Webforum from its administrators. Read this first!
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Joined: Saturday, 11 January 2025 @ 13:03 EST
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About Ladys Webforum

Post by Lady »

Welcome! This forum aims to provide a place for people who are on the Web to talk about being on the Web (among other things). This post will hopefully cover the basics of what you need to know about being here.

Hosting and Operation

This forum is syscatmined by æscling and run by Lady. You should assume that these people have access to anything you do on this site. Contact Lady for general inquiries and disputes, and æscling if you run into technical issues.

Members and Admittance

Membership in this forum is by invitation only. Any existing members of the forum are permitted to invite new members. We ask that all members be legal adults (> 18 years of age).

To begin the invitation process, contact Lady and tell her you are hoping to invite some·one new to the forum. Provide enough information that she can be reasonably certain that you actually know this person that you are inviting. Provide the username that this person will want to use.

If your request is approved, Lady will provide a secret password which can be used to create a new account on the forum. The secret password generally will not change (unless it becomes public information somehow), so if you are trying to invite multiple people it will be the same for all of them. However, Lady will only approve accounts that she knows about in advance, so simply having the password is not enough.

Once they have the secret password, the person you are inviting can create a new account. Assuming they use the previously‐mentioned username, Lady will approve the account in some reasonable amount of time (a few days maybe).

We ask that you treat this webforum akin to a local board game meetup or discussion group: If you don’t know somebody personally, aren’t willing to spend large amounts of time in the same room with them, and aren’t willing to be held at least a little bit accountable for their behaviour, please do not invite them! We want to keep this a fairly small and tight‐knit place. However, please do invite people you vibe with and think would appreciate the space.


Some parts of Ladys Webforum are publicly‐accessible on the Internet. Altho we have attempted to restrict access for “bots” (search engine crawlers, ⁊·c), it should be assumed that many will scrape the site anyway. The publicly‐accessible forums are :⁠—
  • Meta ∷ Info
  • Web Discussion ∷ Web Philosophy
  • Web Discussion ∷ Linking & Networking
  • Web Discussion ∷ Web Tools
  • Offtopic ∷ Political Theory
The intention is that things posted in these forums may be useful to others or may want to be linked to from elsewhere on the web. The other forums are considered more personal, and are not accessible to guest users (you need an account).

We are open to discussing and revising the above visibility settings as the forum evolves.

Content Policy

Don’t post anything that will get you in trouble! We do not control all aspects of hosting this forum, and you should assume that cops have some means of getting their greedy hands on it. Furthermore, we ask that you try to keep lewd content to the forums which are not publicly accessible (we are not interested in that sort of attention), and that you don’t make things any weirder than you would at a party of people you don’t entirely know.
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